where to post surveys on reddit

Where to Post Surveys on Reddit: A Comprehensive Guide


My frequent browsing of Reddit and research activities led me to the conclusion that posting surveys on Reddit is a splendid method for obtaining precious data and feedback. In this article, I am going to present my adventure as well as my expertise in the best places to post surveys on Reddit, ideas for success and ways to move the obstacles out of your way.


Understanding Reddit’s Structure


Subsequently discussing the core subreddits for survey posting, it is paramount to gain an understanding of Reddit’s structure. The subgroups are mainly branching into the channels that we normally call subreddits, which typically belong to one specific topic. The part and parcel of choosing a right place to post your survey are, first of all, the correct subreddits which directly relates to your research study and a demographic focused on those subreddits.


General Subreddits for Survey Posting


There are a few subreddits that are made particularly for posting surveys and studies. These are the most popular ones:


1. r/SampleSize: This subred regularly has surveys sent to it. The community of more than 100,000 members is where you should start.


2. r/SurveyExchange: In a similar manner, you may start off in this section by conducting a survey and thereafter filling up the survey of someone else as part of the exchange.


3. r/takemysurvey: This is a community for sharing and taking surveys only.


4. r/PaidStudies: In the event that you provide a compensation factor to your survey, this community is also recommended.


Topic-Specific Subreddits


Although general survey subreddits are undoubtedly valuable, the type of responses you receive by posting on subreddits related to the main issue might be better. For instance:


1. Your gaming habits survey is about to be conducted, you may devote your time at r/gaming or game-related subreddits as an alternative to r/samplesize.


2. If you are interested in electronic devices or technology use, subreddits like r/technology or r/gadgets will be the most suitable places to post.


3. Health-related questionnaires will likely be supported by r/health or specific condition-oriented subreddits, hopefully.


Rules and Etiquette for Posting Surveys on Reddit


It is a must to have a deep comprehension of and abide by the rules as well as the norms of the network before posting surveys on Reddit. Here are some general principles that should be taken into consideration:


1. Respect the rules of the subreddit on the main page before your surveys.


2. Be open about the reasons for the survey and about the planned use of the collected information by you.


3. Give details about the expected time to fill out the survey.


4. If you have, you can mention the compensation or incentives for participation. [The use of a relative pronoun is better here than the ellipsis. That’s why it is left as such. Do you want it to be combined with the previous sentence?]


5. Remain respectful and involved with the community if they have questions or comments.


Crafting an Effective Survey Post


To knock participation up in the air, you should design your survey with these things in mind:


1. Have a succinct title that mentions the word “survey” and your target audience.


2. Provide a brief background about your research and how it can benefit society in your post, which will eventually attract more people.


3. Mention the participation requirements or restrictions if any.


4. Make the link to your survey is easily accessible and working properly.


5. In advance, express your gratitude to the participants for their time and the information they are going to provide you with.


Timing Your Survey Post


The time of publishing your post may result in a big difference in the number of responses. Keep in mind these aspects as you select the suitable time:


1. Make your post one of the ones that are up during the busiest hours of Reddit, for example, from 6 AM to 9 AM EST on week days.


2. Being aware of your actions to avoid low user activity during major events or holidays will help you a lot.


3. Mind the time zones of the targeted location in the event that it is applicable to your research.


Engaging with the Community


After you have posted your survey, engagement still remains the key to successful collaboration and credibility built to spur participation:


1. Always give prompt answers to questions or comments on your post.


2. Before being known as a respectful and helpful person on Reddit, consider offering the results of the study to those who are interested.


3. You may also think about participating in other users’ surveys, thereby creating a positive self-image in the community.


How to Deal with Challenges and Succeed


Know that complaints might be a part of your Reddit survey posts but you can get over them with these strategies:


1. Low response rate: If you still feel that you do not have a sufficient number of responses, trying to post once again either at the different time or in the related subreddits should be your first move.


2. Negative feedback: Learn from constructive criticism and be open to any recommendations for improvement.


3. Bias of the sample brought by the site’s demographics should be kept in mind and it should be taken into consideration when analysis is done.


Alternatives to Reddit for Survey Distribution


While Reddit can be a great place to distribute your survey, it is also advisable to look at a variety of other options to get the broadest audience:


1. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn


2. Online survey panels such as Prolific, Amazon Mechanical Turk


3. Professional networks or industry-specific forums


Analyzing and Reporting Your Results


The phase after having collected and analyzed data is prescient. It’s important to compile and present your results in a diligent way:


1. Be honest about how you designed the research and its limitations, if such exist.


2. Hold back nothing if you feel it is okay to do so; send the entire discussion you had to those communities at Reddit which were willing to participate.


3. In case you have to publish the paper, do not forget to mention Reddit as the data source and adhere to the ethical concerns that are involved.


Best Practices for Survey Design


Straightforward survey design can lead to the creation of composite meaningful findings apart from those directly related to Reddit:


1. Proposals gatherer by volunteers needs to be relevant, and they need to attend to their research objective before they send the survey.


2. Eliminate any ambiguous language as it may provoke some answer prejudices.


3. Use questions that are straightforward, and do not give hints that induce bias.


4. Before it goes out to the public run a small pilot test of your questionnaire.


Legal and Ethical Considerations


When dealing with research on Reddit, it is essential to think of the ethical and legal dimensions:


1. Assure that your research is compatible with both Reddit User Agreement and Content Policy.


2. If your investigation requires sensitive issues or you are targeting the vulnerable groups, it might be better to approach IRB for approval.


3. Mask identity and keep privacy in the center of data collection and data reporting.


Leveraging Reddit’s Unique Features


Reddit has some unique features that can be beneficial for survey research:


1. Use Reddit’s tagging system to appropriately categorize your survey post.


2. Consider using Reddit’s polling feature for simple, quick-response surveys.


3. Get involved in the Reddit comment system to acquire qualitative data that can be used along with your survey data.


Building a Reputation on Reddit


The advantage of building a good reputation in Reddit would be the easy distribution of survey in future. Here is what you need to follow:


1. You have to be a frequent player in your study field’s discussions before people get to know you.


2. Being a content creator with interesting and relevant content above your survey links will bring a lot more attention than just the surveys.


3. You need to be positive and helpful in the Reddit environment as well.


Utilizing Reddit for Preliminary Research


This is just a short excerpt where Reddit can become a magnificent tool for research before the full-blown survey is deployed:


1. The Reddit search query option is the best way to find topics that are related to your topic.


2. Take part in the issue-relevant subreddits to become more aware of various issues that can help you to come up with your survey.


3. Also, doing an informal poll or discussion to refine your research questions is among the activities that helped people most:


Combining Reddit with Other Research Methods


To carry out comprehensive research and get accurate results, it is reasonable to combine Reddit surveys and other methods. Consider the following:


1. Use Reddit for recruiting participants in your personal or group interviews or focus group-discussion.


2. Alongside Reddit surveys, come up with and carry out covert participant observation of your interested subreddits.


3. When evaluating the results of your Reddit survey, combine them with data from other sources for quality assurance.




There is no doubt that Reddit can be a very good survey platform. By being acquainted with the dynamics of different subreddits, following the norms, and engaging in a respectful manner with users, one can achieve a survey distribution that is more effective. To be certain, you need to select pertinent subreddits, communicate in a clear, and engaging manner as well as be responsive to your community. These strategies will orient you in the proper marathon of Reddit by enabling you to get the much-needed input from users of the network.


Using Reddit as the distribution center for surveys has proven to be quite efficient in the past. I’ve used the distribution of surveys with great success in my research through Reddit. However, it is vital to treat the process with amiable behavior and an understanding of the network’s constraints. You can get much from this platform provided that you embrace the principles and best practices outlined in this article.